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Metrics Due, Please Read

March 31, 2016 @ 5:00 pm

The WNYSBR Metrics Reporting Tool unveiled!

Members are being asked to submit their first draft of the Metrics reporting Tool by March 31, 2016

The WNYSBR is asking its members to fill out a metrics form to capture our businesses’ collective work to improve the environment in our region.

We are asking our members to fill the excel worksheet out annually, so that we can consolidate them into a report for granting agencies, as well as assist in securing future funding.

The metrics form calculates differences from year to year in the 4 areas covered by the WNYSBR pledge.  We are using 2014 as the baseline year for the WNYSBR whenever possible.

There is a sheet to report on individual project summaries your company has implemented over the last year. Please enter as many of these projects that you feel important to your project.

Finally, the Reporting Tool allows you to enter the methodology you used to gather the data. Keeping this information as part of the of you metrics well help you keep the data consistent year-to-year.

To help explain the Reporting Tool see the PPT presentation
Click to view PPT presentation

Click to download the SBR Metrics Reporting Tool



March 31, 2016
5:00 pm