Does your organization struggle with the proper disposal of materials like styrofoam, printer ink, furniture, and so much more? Join us for a facilitated discussion about the challenges and solutions for effectively managing difficult waste alongside other industry peers. John Hannon, a subject matter expert in finding purposeful markets for waste materials, will guide the discussion.
This is a unique opportunity to connect with a small group of industry peers to discuss challenges and solutions for effectively managing your difficult waste. Following the facilitated discussion, attendees can extend the conversation over snacks and drinks.
This event is open to SBR members only.
When: Wednesday June 5, 2024, 5:00 – 6:30 pm
Where: Duende at Silo City
Cost: FREE for Members
Attention Employees of Member Businesses: SBR is transitioning to a new event registration system. Create a profile that will link you with your organization and simplify future event registration. Your profile must be linked with your employer’s membership to receive member pricing for events.
Once your profile is created, we will register you for the event. You will receive an email confirmation confirming the process is complete. If you have any questions or need assistance registering for the event, please contact Bea Goldthwait.