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Why Climate Change matters to your Business @ Phillips Lytle
January 7, 2020 @ 8:30 am - 10:30 am
Free – $25

The Zoom recording is now available, click here! Please note that the program starts about 10 min in.
Why Climate Change matters to your Business @ Phillips Lytle
SBR is kicking off the New Year with a Carbon Footprint Semester! We will offer three educational events during January to March, focusing on the Why, the What and the How. First out is our session on the Why : Updated Science, New Laws and the potential impact on Your Business, sponsored and hosted by Philips Lytle.
This session series is ideal for: C-suite Executives, Sustainability Directors, Sustainability / Environmental Consultants, Environmental Compliance Officers, Environment Health & Safety Professionals, Finance Professionals, Health Professionals, Energy/ LEED Professionals and all companies/ personnel who have an interest in climate change.
SBR Members: Free, Non Members: $25
Register here!
Your ticket includes continental style breakfast, assorted beverages, presentations and facilitated Q&A sessions.
You’ve probably read about New York’s Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA) in the news, but what do you know about what its impact may be on your business and the timelines for action? Will there be opportunities for your businesses to utilize state incentives to reach environmental benchmarks, and how can your business influence the working groups that are now being formed? And what about the latest update on climate science?
There are new reports published daily – the most recent one from World Meteorological Organization (WMO) ahead of UN’s Climate Change Conference COP25 – stated that 2019 was set to conclude the warmest 10-year period on record and how temperatures are only part of the story (think impacts on health, food security, migration, displacement, ecosystems and oceans).
Join our solutions focused discussion to…
… Discover what the updated climate science will mean for your company in terms of supply chains, disaster preparedness etc.
… Get a better understanding on the framework for CLCPA implemented by the Department of Environmental Conservation and how it can impact your business.
… Explore how climate change can bring about future market shifts, e.g. how the potential for carbon taxes can change business models.
8:30 – 9:00: Registration, coffee and networking
9:00 – 10:30: Presentations & Q&A Sessions following each speaker facilitated by Ryan McPherson, Chief Sustainability Officer, University at Buffalo
Welcome, Intro to SBR & Thanks to Phillips Lytle – Kris Ann Bolt, President of WNY Sustainable Business Roundtable & Environmental Health & Safety Officer at Harmac Medical Products
Welcome and introduction to the speakers – Dennis Elsenbeck, Head of Energy and Sustainability, Energy Consulting Services, Phillips Lytle
Presentation on updated climate science – Dr. Jason Briner, Professor of Geology, University at Buffalo
Zoom Presentation on Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act – Maureen Leddy, Director of the Office of Climate Change NYS Department of Environmental Conservation
10:30: Closing thanks – Dennis Elsenbeck
SBR Members: Free
Non Members: $25
Register here!
Your ticket includes continental style breakfast, assorted beverages, presentations and facilitated Q&A sessions.
Parking is available in adjacent public lots and ramps on both Washington and Exchange Streets. You may access Phillips Lytle’s lobby from the Main Street or Washington Street sides of the building, where attendees will be escorted to the 8th floor event space.
UB Professor Jason Briner – Science Updates https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7sEhuSbQo8