Interactive workshop, “Key Takeaways from the WNY Clean Production Leaders so far”
Register HERE!
Do you want to find out how managing chemicals can generate real corporate benefit? Is your company interested in knowing more about the chemicals used in manufacturing and contained in your products? Look no further!
Join SBR and our smart chemical management program partners for an interactive afternoon presenting local businesses leading the way to cleaner air and waterways! Sign up for this workshop to explore how you can get your organization’s journey started. You will get an opportunity to learn about lessons learned from program participants Tapecon, Catholic Health and Madiba Janitorial, and how they have worked closely with Clean Production Action and NYS Pollution Prevention Institute over the last few months.
They will discuss their strategies when it comes to internal communications, chemical inventories and takeaways from the chemical footprint survey. Our experts from Niagara Share/ CoRE, NYSP2I and Clean Production Action will also be there to share the most recent trends and ways they can assist you with expert guided support in calculating your own chemical footprint! In addition, you will hear from the soundscape artist Chantal Calato’s and her recent exhibition Unseen.
You will get an introduction to practical tools, free resources available for your WNY business and inspiration on how to ramp up chemical reduction work during a global pandemic. Sign up today!
Tentative program
2:30 – 2:40 Welcome and introduction
2:40 – 2:55 Tapecon’s journey (recording displayed)
2:55 – 3:05 Catholic Health’s and Madiba Janitorial’s journeys so far (live)
3:05 – 3:15 How taking a proactive approach to chemicals can benefit your company
3:15 – 3:30 Moderated Q&A
3:30 – 4:00 Discussions in smaller groups & wrap-up
Mary Sennett, Quality & Compliance Manager, Tapecon, Inc
Patrick Goraj, Director of Facilities and Engineering CCD and ARTC, Catholic Health
Rubens Mukunzi, President & Owner, Madiba Janitorial
Charles Ruffing, Director, NYS Pollution Prevention Institute
Cheri Peele, Program Manager, Clean Production Action
Alexandra McPherson, Principal, Niagara Share
Chantal Calato, Artist
Video Links
Recording from Tapecon: