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A Panel Discussion on The How: Developing and implementing a Climate Action Plan
March 18, 2020 @ 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Free – $25

A Panel Discussion on The How: Developing and implementing a Climate Action Plan
UPDATE: This event will be conducted via Zoom. Everyone who has registered will receive an email invitation to the online meeting.
Register here!
SBR’s Carbon Footprint Semester (The Why, the What and the How) will conclude with this upcoming third session, hosted by University at Buffalo.
This session series is ideal for: C-suite Executives, Sustainability Directors, Sustainability / Environmental Consultants, Environmental Compliance Officers, Environment Health & Safety Professionals, Finance Professionals, Health Professionals, Energy/ LEED Professionals and all companies/ personnel who have an interest in climate change.
You already know about the latest science around climate change and how New York is moving forward with the recently enacted Climate Leadership Community Protection Act (from our forum on 1/7) and on February 6th an extensive session was held on how to roll up your sleeves and start counting carbon.
Our final carbon discussion will focus on the How, i.e. action! Climate Action Plans (CAPs) are being adopted by pioneering organizations to motivate measurable actions on reducing emissions and increasing resonance with today’s markets. CAPs are effective tools for companies to be transparent about their footprint and engage their employees to create meaningful change from within.
Join us on March 18th to get a better understanding of:
The key steps towards creating a Climate Action Plan (CAP)
Strategic decisions and crucial steps for implementing your plan
Ways to make best use of local /regional / state resources available for your WNY company.
PROGRAM (updated due to online format)
3:30 – 4:30: Presentations & Resource Panel
Welcome & brief introduction to SBR – Kris Ann Bolt, President of WNY Sustainable Business Roundtable & Environmental Health & Safety Officer at Harmac Medical Products
Welcome and introduction to the speakers – Ryan McPherson, Chief Sustainability Officer, University at Buffalo
Presentation: “Not Your Grandma’s Climate Action Plan (CAP): An Interactive CAP for Storytelling and Spurring Change,” – Amir Rezaei, Senior Associate, CannonDesign & Ryan McPherson, Chief Sustainability Officer, University at Buffalo
Presentation: “I’ve Created the Plan Now What the #$%#$% Do I Do? : Success stories from The Carbon Reduction Challenge” – Elizabeth Thomas, Assistant Professor, University at Buffalo
Implementation Resource Panel: Representatives from GoBuffaloNiagara, National Grid, NFTA, NYPA, NYSERDA and NYS Pollution Prevention Institute, will give a brief overview of what types of programs they have (technical assistance, incentives, tools, etc/transportation, energy conservation, etc) to help businesses reduce greenhouse gas emissions
4:30: Wrap up and goodbye
Register here!
SBR Members: Free
All others: $25.