Last month, our attendees were introduced to the diverse energy efficiency incentives offered by NYSERDA, National Grid, National Fuel, and NYSEG. Now, it’s time to delve into real-world applications and explore how to maximize these financial incentives!
Our October event will feature speakers from Montante Solar, EnergyMark, and the Chautauqua Institution, who will share their experiences applying incentives in various energy efficiency projects. To cap off the evening, we’ll have an audience Q&A session, networking opportunities, and refreshments sponsored by EnergyMark.
Join us on October 25th at the Tri-Main Center, a vibrant mixed-use business center that emerged from the revitalization of a vacant industrial complex, as we showcase how local businesses have implemented incentives across a spectrum of energy efficiency projects.
Don’t miss this chance to gain valuable insights into energy efficiency incentives, discuss their real-world applications, and connect with other attendees!
When: Wednesday, October 25th, 5:30 – 7:30 pm
Where: Tri-Main Center, 2495 Main Street, Buffalo, NY, 14214
Attention Employees of Member Businesses: SBR is transitioning to a new event registration system. Create a profile that will link you with your organization and simplify future event registration. Your profile must be linked with your employer’s membership to receive member pricing for events.
Once your profile is created, we will register you for the August 10th. You will receive an email confirmation confirming the process is complete. If you have any questions or need assistance registering for the event, please contact Bea Goldthwait.