Tri-Main Center

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  3. Tri-Main Center
Events at this venue

Applying Energy Efficiency Incentives

Tri-Main Center 2495 Main Street, Buffalo, NY

Last month, our attendees were introduced to the diverse energy efficiency incentives offered by NYSERDA, National Grid, National Fuel, and NYSEG. Now, it's time to delve into real-world applications and […]

Dumpster Dive – A Solid Waste Assessment

Tri-Main Center 2495 Main Street, Buffalo, NY

Check out the video recap HERE! Thank you Katie Soscia for putting this video together, and to all the UB students who helped out sorting & weighing recyclables! As the saying goes, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. A dumpster dive gives a company a better idea of the contamination rate in their waste, […]
