Thursday June 23, 2016 9:00 am – 11:00 am
Buffalo Transportation Pierce-Arrow Museum
263 Michigan Ave, Buffalo, NY 14203
Moderator: Craig Jackson, Coordinator, Clean Communities of WNY / Cobey Energy
Alternative Fuels Overview and Fleet Assessment Tools
Jeff Gicewicz, Try It Distributing Co. Inc., Vice President of Corporate Holdings
Try-It’s CNG fleet conversion and Alternative Energy Case Study
Cliff Mason, Sr. Energy Consultant – NGV’s, National Fuel
Natural Gas Vehicles Basics
Craig Mahoney, Waste Services Manager, Guard Contracting
Guard Contracting’s conversion to CNG Case Study
Moderator: Justin Booth, Executive Director, GObike Buffalo – will discuss
Complete Streets and how businesses can become bicycle friendly.
Kelly Dixon, Senior Transportation Planner, GBNRTC
TDM in WNY and GO-Buffalo Niagara
Rob Jones, Manager of Service Planning, NFTA
Integrating transit as part of the overall TDM, multi-modal travel, and the NFTA
Bill Smith, Director of Access & Safety, Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus – will discuss BNMC’s model TDM program GOBNMC, services offered and programs available to employers and employees in Buffalo’s fastest growing employment center.
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